This was intended to make interaction easier for new users and to enable precise and direct seeking. Mpv has had several notable changes since it was forked from MPlayer the most user-visible being the addition of an on-screen-controller (OSC) minimal GUI integrated with mpv to offer basic mouse-controllability. Since June 2015, the project's source code is in the process of being relicensed from GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or later to GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPLv2.1) or later to allow using mpv as a library in more applications. As a result, the project had a large influx of contributions. The motive for the fork was to encourage developer activity by removing unmaintainable code and dropping support for very old systems. Mpv was forked by Vincent Lang, also known as wm4, in 2012 from mplayer2, which was forked in 2010 from MPlayer. It is cross-platform, running on ARM, PowerPC, x86/ IA-32, x86-64, and MIPS architecture. It runs on several operating systems, including Unix-like operating systems ( Linux, BSD-based, macOS) and Microsoft Windows, along with having an Android port called mpv-android. Mpv is free and open-source media player software based on MPlayer, mplayer2 and FFmpeg. GPLv2+, parts under LGPLv2.1+, some optional parts under GPLv3 ARM, PowerPC, x86 / IA-32, x86-64, and MIPS architecture