Starting at the present moment the web player is just being utilized for Snapchat’s story from The Oscars, which is fundamentally a sustain of columnists that were on celebrity main street the previous evening. This move by Snapchat goes ahead the foot sole areas of the organisation making profile URLs only a couple of months back, a move that made it less demanding for individuals to take after each other on Snapchat basically by tap the URL and following the prompts to open the application. Snapchat Online Users Can View Snapchat Stories on Desktop Now This denotes an entirely amazing minute for Snapchat, in light of the fact that as of not long ago users have just possessed the capacity to get to Snapchat content by utilising the application. To do so you need to use snapchat login on pc. The new Snapchat web player was taken off for work area to empower users at home to see Snapchat’s Snap Stories from the Desktop. Snapchat secretly propelled their web player the previous evening while whatever remains of us were stuck to our TV sets the previous evening, holding up to see Leonardo DiCaprio acknowledge his long past due ‘Best Actor’ grant.